Thai protesters block poll stadium

Written By Unknown on Senin, 23 Desember 2013 | 19.15

23 December 2013 Last updated at 00:14 ET

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A police station is now being used for registration, as Jonathan Head reports

Anti-government demonstrators in Thailand have surrounded the stadium where candidates were due to register to stand in February's elections.

They say political reform is needed before elections take place.

On Sunday, tens of thousands took to the streets of Bangkok, calling on the government to step down.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who called the polls in December try to end the rallies, urged protesters to respect the "democratic system".

The main opposition Democrat Party has said it would boycott February's elections.

Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban, who was previously a senior Democrat Party politician, said on Sunday: "We disagree with the election. We want the country to be reformed before the election."

He urged protesters to gather outside Bangkok's Thai-Japanese stadium, where candidate registrations were set to take place, on Monday.

"If you want to apply for candidacy, you must walk past our feet first," he said.

Political parties began registering their candidates at a local police station instead, while protesters responded by surrounding the police station as well, correspondents say.

'Accept the system'

Ms Yingluck dissolved parliament and called an election on 9 December, after more than 150,000 demonstrators took to the streets calling for her government to step down.

On Sunday, Ms Yingluck told reporters that elections must take place, and urged protesters to express their views at the ballot box.

Continue reading the main story
  • Sept 2006: Army overthrows government of Thaksin Shinawatra, rewrites constitution
  • Dec 2007: Pro-Thaksin People Power Party wins most votes in election
  • Aug 2008: Mr Thaksin flees into self-imposed exile before end of corruption trial
  • Dec 2008: Mass yellow-shirt protests paralyse Bangkok; Constitutional Court bans People Power Party; Abhisit Vejjajiva comes to power
  • Mar-May 2010: Thousands of pro-Thaksin red shirts occupy parts of Bangkok; eventually cleared by army; dozens killed
  • July 2011: Yingluck Shinawatra leads Pheu Thai party to general election win
  • Nov 2013: Anti-government protesters begin street demonstrations
  • Dec 2013: Opposition MPs resign; Ms Yingluck calls elections

She said: "If we don't hold on to the democratic system, what should we hold on to?"

"If you don't accept this government, please accept the system," Ms Yingluck added.

Ms Yingluck's Pheu Thai Party won the last election in 2011, and has a majority in parliament. However protesters say her brother - ousted former leader Thaksin Shinawatra - remains in charge.

The protesters also accuse the Pheu Thai Party of using public funds irresponsibly to secure votes.

Mr Thaksin is currently in self-imposed exile after he was overthrown in a military army coup in 2006 and convicted of corruption.

In 2010, more than 90 people, mostly civilian protesters, died when a two-month sit-in in Bangkok by thousands of red-shirt Thaksin supporters ended in violence.

The latest protests have been mostly peaceful, although four people have died in clashes.

Some protesters are now arguing that Thailand should abandon the principle of one person one vote, because the governing party's popularity in rural areas virtually guarantees it victory, the BBC's Jonathan Head in Bangkok reports.

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