Pakistan troops help quake rescue

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 17 April 2013 | 19.15

17 April 2013 Last updated at 04:18 ET
The scene in south east Iran

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More than 30 people were killed and dozens injured in Pakistan

Pakistan has sent troops to help its citizens affected by a powerful earthquake that struck just over the border in south-east Iran.

The 7.8-magnitude quake, the most powerful to hit Iran for more than 50 years, caused 35 deaths in Pakistan's Balochistan province.

The National Disaster Management Authority say a further 150 people there have been injured.

The quake shook tall buildings as far away as India and the Gulf States.

It struck in the Iranian province of Sistan Baluchistan at about 15:14 local time (10:44 GMT) on Tuesday close to the city of Khash, which has a population of nearly 180,000, and Saravan, where 250,000 people live.

Its depth was about 95km (59 miles).

"The epicentre of the quake was located in the desert, and population centres do not surround it. There were no fatalities in the towns around the epicentre," an Iranian crisis centre official, Morteza Akbarpour, was quoted as saying by the Iranian news agency Isna.

Iran's Fars news agency said the depth of the quake reduced its impact to the size of a magnitude-4.0 tremor on the surface.

All communications to the region have been cut and the Iranian Red Crescent said it was sending 20 search and rescue teams to the area.

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  • South-east Iranian province of Sistan Baluchistan, near border with Pakistan
  • Biggest province in Iran
  • Sparsely populated area of mountains and desert
  • Epicentre close to cities of Khash (pop 180,000) and Saravan (pop 250,000)
  • About 1,700 villages in vicinity of quake, with many houses built of mud bricks
  • Many inhabitants live in tents

However, fatalities were soon reported in Pakistan, mostly in the Mashkel district of Balochistan.

Officials said homes had collapsed and army and paramilitary forces were being sent to help the relief effort.

Two military helicopters carrying medical teams were on their way and would have troops in support, they said.

The area has since been shaken by several strong aftershocks including one on Wednesday with a magnitude of 5.7.

Injured girl

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Injured are getting treated by army doctors

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon issued a statement saying the organisation stood ready to help "if asked to do so" and the US also offered assistance.

The quake was felt over a wide area.

David Hastings in Dubai told the BBC's Newshour that he felt the earthquake in his office.

"All of the sudden there was some quite violent shaking. We're only on the second floor so that's quite scary. It looks like they have evacuated quite a few of the taller buildings by the airport and down the other end of town, towards the centre of Dubai," he said.

Tuesday's earthquake was about 180 times stronger in energy release than a 6.3-magnitude quake that struck on 10 April near the nuclear plant at Bushehr in south-western Iran. That quake killed at least 37 people and wounded 850.

The Bushehr plant was not damaged by the earlier earthquake, and an official at the Russian firm that built the plant said it had not been damaged by Tuesday's earthquake either, Reuters reported.

Scientists say earthquakes in south-eastern Iran are triggered by the clash between the Arabia and Eurasia tectonic plates, the former of which is pushing north at a rate of several centimetres each year.

In 2003, a 6.6-magnitude quake destroyed much of the south-eastern city of Bam and killed some 26,000 people.

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